Kenya National Statistical Society (KNSS) is the National Statistical Society of Kenya, a professional body that brings together statisticians, statistics users in the country. Disciplines such as Mathematics, demography, epidemiology, actuarial science, Monitoring and evaluation are examples of disciplines that engage a lot of statistics and hence graduates of such disciplines are eligible for membership in the KNSS. The society was registered in August 2008 and started operations under interim officials until November 2012, when the annual general meeting elected the inaugural office bearers. The main objective of the society is to promote the understanding, teaching, research, application and good practice of statistics, statistical theory and methods in all areas.

To become a leading professional body that brings together Statisticians, Statistics users in Kenya, the region and beyond.

To stimulate and promote research in Statistics, its teaching and applications for planning and decision making in both public and private agencies in Kenya, the region and beyond.

Setting benchmarks in Statistical sanity


  1. To promote the collection, compilation, tabulation, analysis and publication of Statistics in public and private agencies in Kenya
  2. To stimulate and promote research in Statistics, its teaching and applications in planning and decision making in public and private agencies in Kenya.
  3. To communicate with other institutions and international organizations engaged in research, teaching and application of statistics outside Kenya.
  4. To educate decision makers and the public in general on the vital role of Statistics in planning and decision-making.
  5. To promote the writing, editing and peer reviewing of Statistical papers, reports and books.
  6. To promote and protect the welfare of the Statistics profession (for example through working for the recognition of Statistics as a profession and the improvement of terms of service of Statisticians).
  7. To foster the mentoring process of young statistics professionals by facilitating their link with the experienced professionals.
  8. In working towards the realization of the objectives mentioned above, KNSS shall foster a lively interest in Statistics by:
      • Organizing seminars, workshops and conferences
      • Organizing public discussions, addresses and other general communications on statistical matters (for example through the newspapers, radio, television, etc)
      • Organizing and running statistical contests
      • Carrying out any other suitable activities, in the   spirit of this section within the Laws of Kenya and as approved by the executive committee.
  9. To publish at least one Statistical periodical annually.
  10. To develop and maintain a database of Statisticians in Kenya and a code of ethics for members.
  11. To protect and safeguard the interest of KNSS and to do or cause to be done all things including possession or owning property, both movables and immovable, that is conducive to the achievement of any or all these objectives.
  12. To work through her branches in the country (Kenya) for efficiency and convenience of her members.
  13. To be a non-political entity promoting professional ethics in the area of Statistics.