Registration and Renewal

Dear All,
This form will be used to register new members of the KNSS for the year 2021. Kindly give your names with the correct order and spelling as you would like them to appear in your Membership certificate.

Registration and subscription amounts for membership categories are as follows:

Ordinary Member Reg. Kshs. 1,000 Annual Sub. Kshs. 1,000; Total =Kshs. 2,000
Associate member Reg. Kshs. 1,000 Annual Sub. Kshs. 500; Total =Kshs. 1,500
Student Member Reg. Kshs. 200 Annual Sub. Kshs. 150; Total =Kshs. 350
Corporate Member Reg. Kshs. 10,000 Annual Sub. Kshs. 5,000; Total =Kshs. 15,000
Honorary Member Free

More details on membership categories, see

Once you are clear on the membership category, then kindly fill this form when you have already paid the registration fee and/or annual subscription fee as per the constitution requirement.

For Payments, the account details are as follows:

Bank: Equity Bank Ltd.
Account Name: Kenya National Statistical society
Branch: Juja
A/c No: 1520262138805

To Pay Via MPESA
Go to LIPA NA MPESA-> PAY BILL-> Enter Business no. as 247247->Account no: 1520262138805 -> then amount.

Remember to pay both registration and subscription fee, and as soon as you click the submit button, you will see the registration timelines before receiving your certificate.

For any challenges or questions, send an email to:
Membership Registration and Renewal links

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